April 9, 2011

सेल रोटि पकाउने तरिका,how to cook nepali sell roti?

Sel roti is one of the popular Nepali snack or food used in various occasions. This short and sweet recipe in written nepali to cook sell roti can help you to have an idea about nepali cell roti .

सेल रोटि पकाउने तरिका
सामग्री हरु
मसिनो गरी पिसेको चामलको

पीठो १ किलो

खस्रो चामलको पीठो : २ पाउ

मैदा : डेढ पाउ

चिनी : २ पाउ
पानी आवश्यकताअनुशार

अलैंची पिसेको - २० ग्राम

घिउ आवश्यकताअनुसार

पकाउने विधि
एउटा गहिरो भाँडामा चामलको पीठो, मैदा, चिनी तथा अलैंचीको धूलो मिसाउने र त्यसमा पानी हाली मुछ्ने। त्यसपछि आधा घन्टा त्यत्तिकै छोड्ने। एउटा ताई - सेल पकाउने भाँडा) मा सेल डुब्ने गरी घिउ तताउने। घिउ तातेपछि एक डाडुजति मुछेको पीठोमा हालेेर चलाउने। त्यसपछि सेलको आकारमा सोली वा कुनै वस्तुको सहायताले घिउमा हाली पकाउने। दुवै साइडमा पल्टाई पकाएर खैरो रंगको भएपछि निकाल्ने। केहि बेर तेल तारेपछी खानको लागि तयारी हुन्छ |

अनारसा पनि बनाउने कि ? कसरि बनाउने त ? यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस  how to make anrasa in nepali?
आलु केराउको अचार बनाउने तरिका Clck Here how to make alu kerau achar in nepali  

For English Instruction  and video about nepali roti  see below
Watch Video for more Instruction about  How to Make cell Roti in Nepali:

How to make Sel Roti
Sel Roti Recipe

Deep/flat base frying pan

Two sticks (Cuptero) – 1 foot long

A cup to pour mixture in pan (you can make it out of raw cell of coconut)

Plate to keep sel (Nanglo)


Rice - 2.5 Pound (or you can buy instant rice flour from market)

Water or milk – Half liter (500 ml)

Ghee – 2 cups

Sugar – 2 cups

Cooking Oil – 1 liter

You may add these for your taste;

Wheat flour – one cup

Backing soda to make it big (if you would like to )- Half table spoon

Cardamom, cashew nuts

Wash and soak rice overnight, drain excess water.

Mix ghee and sugar and grind into fine paste. The paste should be fine and greasy (lesilo).

Continuously stir the mixture.

Cover it and leave at the room temperature for 1-2 hours to melt and mix all the ingredients

Heat pan with cooking oil. The pan should be deep enough to float sel and the base should be flat.

Watch for vapor/smoke from the oil or see the picking stick float on the oil.

Pour the not too thick batter as continuous ring into hot oil till they become brown/golden.

Confirm both sides are brown.

Take those sels out and serve as breakfast, tiffin or anytim

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