राजीनामा दिएपछि केही समय आफू चुप लागेर बस्ने र अरु गतिविधि अवलोकन गर्न चाहेको तर हजारौं समर्थकले वास्तविकता जान्न चाहेकोले आफू बाध्य भएको जनाएका छन् । कार्यकारी निर्देशकको रुपमा काम थालेको १ सय ८ औं दिनमा राजीनामा दिनु परेको सामाजिक सञ्जाल फेसबुक मार्फत आफ्नो १ सय ८ दिनको कार्यकालमा गरेका १३ वटा महत्वपूर्ण सुधारका कामलाई उल्लेख गरेका छन् ।
६६ करोड रुपैंयाँ घाटामा रहेको अस्पताललाई आन्तरिक खर्च धान्ने अवस्थामा ल्याउन सकिएको उनले लेखेका छन् ।
उनले इमर्जेन्सीबाटै जथाभावी बिरामी फर्काउने र बाहिरका क्लिनिकमा रेफर गर्ने प्रवृत्ति रोकेकोले आम्दानीमा बृद्धि भएको, बेड भएसम्म विरमी भर्ना लिने गरेको आर्थिक अनियमितता गर्नेलाई कानुनी कारवाही गरेको उल्लेख गरेका छन् ।
त्यस्तै हाजिर गरेर टाप ठोक्नेलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न फिङगर प्रिन्टसहित आएको समय र गएको समयको हाजिर गर्ने व्यवस्था र अनुगमनको व्यवस्था गरिएको, आर्थिक चुहावटका केही ठाउँ पत्ता लगाएर त्यसलाई रोक्ने र अनावश्यक खर्च कटौती गर्न थालेपछि कर्मचारीलाई समयमै तलव खुवाउन सकिएको, खाजा खाने बाहनामा सेवा बन्द गर्ने र विरामीलाई कुराएर राख्ने व्यवस्था खारेज गरेर पालो मिलाएर खाजाका लागि जाने व्यवस्था गरिएको कुरा पनि कोइरालाले फेसबुकमा लेखेका छन् ।
उनले लेखेको फेसबुक को स्टाटस जस्ताकोतस्तै
Hello everyone:
After 108 days of taking charge of TU Teaching Hospital, I have decided
to resign from the position of Executive Director. I wanted to remain silent
and step aside, but I find that thousands of people have taken it seriously and
want to know the reason behind my decision. First of all, the Dean of Institute
of Medicine and I were appointed at the time of crisis in the IOM and teaching
Similarly, I was also asked to help rescue Teaching Hospital by the Dean
and TU Authorities. I ha d agreed hesitantly because the hospital had a total
negative balance of about 66 crores and many suppliers and parties were not
paid. The hospital staff had not received their salaries on time for several
months. Moreover, the taxes were not paid although they were deducted from
staff, nor were the “Sanchaya Kosh, Nagarik Lagani Kosh”.
So, we were meant to take certain stern steps to rescue the Teaching
Hospital from the brink of collapse. Let me share my feelings about my term at
Teaching Hospital. There were many important Positive changes within Teaching
Hospital, some of them being the following:
1. We actively stopped deliberate referrals of patient from our
Emergency (and the Outpatient clinics) when the beds were available in the
hospital. That helped strengthen the ethical practice and increase revenues.
2. We took legal action against those involved in financial
irregularities and those violating discipline.
3. We enforced electronic attendance and observation of timing in all
the work areas(the stage was already set by previous administration).
4. The revenue generated by the hostpital went up significantly and it
became possible to pay salaries on time.
5. We , with the help of Deans office, cleared many of the previous dues
including the taxes, “nagarik lagani kosh” etc, making our staff “legal”
6. We scrapped the “lunch break” in all the service areas with public
7. We scrapped the system of paying overtime for an “undertime” work-
paying extra for regular, even work less than regular hours- which saved us
about 7 million rupees a year.
8. Expenditure in the operating rooms and in the wards went down by
almost 20% despite the increase in workload, by tighter regulation and
recording of surgical materials.
9. We facilitated the expansion of the services (The credit of
construction of new buildings goes to the previous Directors): we shifted
surgical and Skin OPD to a new block with much better facilities; we opened up
a new ward for Department of Medicine; an additional operating room was opened;
and additional trauma operating room is set to be launched; ENT services are
being shifted to a previously constructed but underutilized Block (although
most of the preparation was done by prior directors); Radiology and Endoscopy
services were given more spaces to help provide more convenient services to
people; Anew blood sample collection desk was opened, and additional cash collection
counter is added to help reduce the crowd.
10. Pharmacy service is streamlined with 24 hour coverage. It already is
generating revenue, and with addition of more drugs and disposables the revenue
is guaranteed to go up.
11. We fixed almost all of the procedural problems in procurement. And
nobody could point out a single episode of bribery except one small case of 300
rupees, in which case the person involved was recommended to be fired.
12. Lower level staff worked very hard to keep the hospital clean, keep
the traffic in order, hospital security became much more empowered to make the
hospital complex look like a hospital.
13. Individuals and private firms donated a significant quantity of
medical and surgical equipment amounting to more than one crore in 100 days
(the Ministry of Health needs a special mention for a crucial support by
providing equipment when there was zero money to buy anything.)
I truly appreciate the hard work my administration staff did to get all
this done. I appreciate the support of some senior professors, zeal of young
faculty and technical staff that encouraged me to work harder. We would achieve
nothing without the strong support from the Dean of IOM Dr. Prakash Sayami.
Now let me mention the obstacles I faced during this period.
• Not every Department Head complied with the system. The University
Teacher’s Association and Unions kept showing resentments with tighter
regulations. At times they spread unfounded rumors to defame the Dean and other
authorities and kept exerting undue pressure. It became extremely painful when
some of the “leaders” and “clean” professors started justifying patient
referrals out of the Hospital.
• There were certain burning issues with financial liabilities of the
past, which I could not comfortably sign cheques. I has requested for a special
audit until my term commenced, which could not be done.
• The authority to make decision on financial and administrative matters
had always been seized by the central office of TU, against the general
Government rules and regulation. Dozens (or more) files of daily procurement
have been lying for weeks in the central office to be approved. The intention
for this to be so is unclear to me (clear in some cases), noting that the University
gets closed for one or another reason for more than several months a year). By
the way, our precondition to take charge of the Hospital (and deans office by
the dean) was that more financial and administrative authorities would be given
to IOM.
• The TU has not given the funds for the salaries of permanent staff as per the rules, citing that Government has not released money either. I can tell that it is impossible to generate money from the general public for salaries, recurring expenditure and equipment needed.
• The hospital has started making little more money, but just enough to
pay for salaries and some recurring expenses. How can we generate extra money
to pay for the huge debts/liabilities carried over from the past? This, I had
put forth to the appropriate authorities and Government before taking up the
job. They had promised to help but this help has not materialized. I feel it is
unjust not to pay the parties off for their supplies and ask to keep supplying
stuff to the hospital.
• Last but not the least, I have been doing two full time taxing jobs:
run a busy cardiac surgical program and a full time administrative job. This
also became a final tipping factor in my decision making process. I will
continue to run the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at the
Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center in the same Teaching
Hospital Premises.
Finally, I would like to summarize by saying that this short period has
been effective in many ways and disappointing in some ways. We have done what I
think could be done by individual efforts; To take it to the further height,
the system should also be conducive. We have proven that this institute can
function well if honesty, wisdom and patience is exercised by all the concerned.
Let me urge everyone to rise above party politics and help get a new leader to
carry on with the agenda of clean deal.
I thank every on inside and outside the country who showed deep concern
about our institute; I promise you all that I will still be in the public
sector and be part of yours.
Bhagawan Koirala

उनको राजिनामाले सामाजिक संजाल देखि लिएर जता ततै चासो को रुपमा हेरिएको छ अझ केहि समूहले त भगवान कोइराला फेरी टिचिंगमा पुनार्बहिली भएर काम गर्नु पर्यो भनेर अभियान सुरु गरेका छन् ।
1 प्रतिक्रिया हरु:
खान पल्केका हरु को मुख सुके पछि र केहि गरु भन्ने लाई गर्न नदिने खुट्टा तान्ने प्रबिधि धेरै छन् नेपाल मा तेसैले त परिबर्तन गारो छ . तर भगवान जस्तो भगवान लाई बाद्धे पार्ने समूह वा संगठन सम्पूर्ण खारेज गरेर रोजगारी नपाएका नया पुस्ताहरु बाट काम काम सुरु गर्दा कसो होला ..? पक्कै पनि सजिलो त हुने छैन , तर पनि प्रयास गर्दा के फरक पर्ला भगवान सर ,,, तर हिम्मत नहार्नुस ...
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