अखिरमा खिलराज रेग्मी नेपालको अन्तरिम चुनाबी मन्त्री परिषद्को अध्यक्ष (प्रधानमन्त्री) बन्ने हुनुभएको छ |
विसं २००६ साल जेठ १८ गते पिता ढुन्डीराज र माता चित्रकुमारीको कोखबाट पाल्पा जिल्लाको पोखराथोक- ६ मा जन्मनुभएका ६३ वर्षीय रेग्मी नेपाल का 36 औ प्रधानमन्त्री र प्रधान न्यायाधिस रहेर प्रधानमन्त्री बन्ने, वहा मुलुकको आधुनिक इतिहासमा कार्यकारी पदमा पुग्ने पहिलो गैर राजनीतिक ऐतिहसिक भाग्यमानी न्यायमूर्ति हुनुभएको छ । न्याय क्षेत्रमा 4 दसक लामो अनुभव रहेका रेग्मीको पद ‘प्रधानमन्त्री’ नभई अन्तरिम चुनावी मन्त्रि परिसदको अध्यक्ष रहने छ ।
रेग्मीले भारतको उत्तरप्रदेशबाट सन् १९६६ आइए
त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट सन् १९६८ मा बीए,
१९७० मा बीएल
१९७२ मा मानविकी संकायमा एमएसम्मको अध्ययन पूरा गर्नुभएको छ ।
पत्नी शान्ता र तीन सन्तानका अभिभावक रेग्मीको घर प्रवचनमार्ग, काठमाडौंमा रहेको छ । प्रधानन्यायाधीश भएपछि दुईवर्ष अघिदेखि उहाँ बालुवाटार बस्दै आउनुभएको छ ।
नेपाली अंग्रेजी र हिन्दी भाषामा दक्ष रेग्मीले सन् १९७२ मा शाखा अधिकृतबाट सरकारी सेवा प्रारम्भ गर्नुभएको हो ।
न्यायसेवा प्रवेशको दुईवर्षपछि सन् १९७४ मा उहाँ जिल्ला न्यायाधीश बन्नुभयो भने त्यसको ११ वर्षपछि सन् १९८५ मा सर्वोच्च अदालतमा राजपत्रांकित प्रथम श्रेणीको उप-रजिष्ट्रार बन्नुभयो । ६ वर्ष उप-रजिष्ट्रारमा काम गरेपछि सन् १९९१ बाट उहाँ पुनरावेदन अदालतको न्यायाधीश बन्नुभयो र त्यसको पाँचवर्षपछि १९९६ देखि पुनरावेदन अदालतको मुख्य न्यायाधीशको जिम्मेवारी सम्हाल्नुभयो ।
सन् २००३ देखि सर्वोच्च अदालतमा न्यायाधीश बन्नुभएका रेग्मी ८ वर्षपछि सन् २०११ मा प्रधानन्यायाधीश बन्नुभएको हो । प्रधानन्यायाधीशको कार्यकाल सकिन लगभग २ वर्ष बाँकी छ ।
सन् १९८१ मा गोरखा दक्षिण बाहु चौथोबाट सुशोभित हुनुभएका रेग्मीले सन् १९९० मा गोरखा दक्षिण बाहु तेस्रो र सन् २००० मा त्रिशक्तिपट्ट तेस्रो पदक प्राप्त गर्नुभएको छ । सन् २०१२ मा उहाँले इन्टरनेशनल जुरिस अवार्ड प्राप्त गर्नुभएको छ ।
अन्तरिम चुनावी मन्त्री परिषद्का अध्यक्ष बन्ने सौभाग्य पाउनुभएका रेग्मीले अमेरिका, क्यानडा, ब्राजिल, इटाली, बेल्जियम, फ्रान्स, नेदरल्याण्ड, स्वीटजरल्याण्ड, फिनल्याण्ड, डेनमार्क, स्वीडेन, जापान, दक्षिण कोरिया, इन्डिोनेसिया, सिंगापुर, मलेसिया, थाइल्याण्ड, भुटान र भारतको भ्रमण गर्नुभएको छ । तर, उहाँले अहिलेसम्म छिमेकी चीनको भ्रमण गर्न भ्याउनुभएको छैन । यद्यपि उहाँ हंगकंगसम्म पुग्नुभएको छ
सर्बोच्च अदालत को वेबसाइट मा राखिएको को रेग्मीको बायो डाटा यस्तो रहेको छ
Biodata and biography of Nepals 36th priminister Khila raj regmi :
सफत ग्रहण भिडिओ हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोला - Date and Place of Birth:- 31st May 1949, Palpa, Nepal
- Gender:- Male
- Marital Status:- Married to Shanta Regmi (Have 3 Children)
- Nationality:- Nepali
- Permanent Home Address:- Pokharathok – 6, Palpa, Lumbini Zone, Nepal
- Current Home Address:- 182/15 Prabachan Marga, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Current Residence:- Chief Justice Residence, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Degree |
Year of Completion (A.D.)
(Master in Arts) |
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
(Bachelor in Laws) |
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
(Bachelor in Arts) |
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
(Intermediate in Arts) |
U.P. Board, India
- Nepali (Native)
- English (Spoken and Writing)
- Hindi (Communicative)
- International Jurists Award, 2012 (Conferred by International Council of Jurists, London)
- Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 4th (1981)
- Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 3rd (1990)
- Trishakti Patta 3rd (2000)
S. No. |
Tenure Period
Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Nepal
May 6, 2011 A.D. - Present
Supreme Court of Nepal
2003-2011 A.D.
Chief Judge
Various Appellate Courts
1996-2003 A.D.
Various Appellate Courts
1991-1996 A.D.
Deputy Registrar
(Gazetted Class I) |
Supreme Court of Nepal
1985-1991 A.D.
District Judge
Various District Courts
1974-1985 A.D.
Section Officer
Supreme Court of Nepal
1972–1974 A.D.
- Coordinator – High Level Committee to Study and Submit Report on Abolition of Attendance (Taarekh) System in the Court Ensuring Representation of Parties, 2009 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Drafting Committee for Amendments in Supreme Court Regulations to Establish Information Technology Department Instead of Information Technology Section of the Supreme Court, 2010 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Drafting Committee to Reform the Proposed Draft of Guidelines of Bail Procedure, 2009 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Drafting Committee to Finalize and Approve the Draft on Code of Conducts of the Judges, 2008 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Working Team for Reform and Amendments in Civil Code and Civil Procedure Code, 2008 (Committee constituted by Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Judicial Council)
- Coordinator – Committee To Study and Submit Report on Timely Review of Remuneration and Conditions of the Service of Judicial Personnel, 2006 (Committee constituted by the Chief Justice of Nepal)
- Coordinator – Drafting Committee to Draft the Rules Regarding Application of Mediation System in Appellate Level Courts, 2005 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Drafting Committee to Review the Acts and Rules Related to Judicial Administration, 2004 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – High Level Committee on Distribution of Budget and Resources for the Courts, 2010 (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Coordinator – Committee to Study and Draft a Sketch to Reform Law Relating to Judicial Service in the Context of Implementation of O&M Report of the Supreme Court (Committee constituted by Supreme Court)
- Chairperson – Investigation Commission to Identify Causes and Consequences and Suggest Policy and Action Strategies not to Repeat the Similar Events as Happened in Different Regions of Terai Madhesh with Human and Physical Damages, 2007 (Commission constituted pursuant to Probe Commission Act, 2026 by Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Judicial Council)
- Coordinator – Working Team to Review the Existing Jurisdiction of the Court of Nepal (Team constituted by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Judicial Council)
- President – Judges Society, Nepal (2010)
- Chairperson – Juvenile Justice Coordination Committee, 2007 – June 2011 (Committee constituted pursuant to Rule 22(1) of Juvenile Justice Procedural Regulations, 2063)
- Chairperson – Case Management Committee, 2008 (Committee constituted pursuant to Rule 13d1. of Supreme Court Regulations, 2049)
- Chairperson – Construction Committee, 2010 – June 2011 (Committee constituted pursuant to Rule 13b. (1) of Supreme Court Regulations, 2049)
- Coordinator – Central Judicial Sector Coordination Committee, 2004 - 2008 (Committee constituted pursuant to Rule 13d4. of Supreme Court Regulations, 2049)
- International Conference of Jurists (Organized by International Council of Jurists London), 1st December 2012, New Delhi, India.
- Official Visit to the Supreme Court and Judicial Institutes of Bhutan, 5-9 October 2012, Thimpu, Bhutan.
- World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability, 17-20 June, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Study Visit to the Supreme Court and Judicial Institutes of Finland, 12-14 June, 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
- 14th Conference of the Chief Justices of Asia and Pacific, 12 – 16 June, 2011; Seoul, South Korea.
- Observation Visit of the Canadian Federal Justice System, 26 March – 4 April, 2011; Ottawa, Canada.
- The First Geneva Forum for Judges and Lawyers, 25 -26 October, 2010; Geneva, Switzerland.
- The Seventh Conference of Asian Constitutional Court Judges, 12 – 15 July 2010; Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Civil Reform Through the Seminar on Civil Code and Related Laws – Three Consecutive Programs (18-25 August, 2010; 23-30 January, 2010; 25 July – 8 August, 2009); Tokyo, Japan.
- Exposure Visit to the Juvenile Court and Justice System of Italy (Organized by Department of Justice and Minor of Government of Italy); 2008, Italy.
- Study Visit to study the Functions of American Courts and Judicial Institutions (Organized by ARD Inc. Rule of Law, USAID/Nepal), 18 – 26 February, 2006; USA.
- Observation Visit to the Supreme Court and Judicial Institutions of Singapore and Thailand, 7 – 15 January, 2006; Singapore, Thailand.
- Training on Quest for the Effective and Efficient Treatment of Offenders in Correctional Institutions at UNAFEI (Organized by JICA), 17 April – 11 July, 1986; Tokyo, Japan.
USA, Canada, Brazil, Italy, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Bhutan, India
USA, Canada, Brazil, Italy, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Bhutan, India
2 प्रतिक्रिया हरु:
Due to the non political background, it will be very toff job for him but might be success to clear the road....
All the best regmi ji mantri mandal samabesi banayera udharan dekhaidinos.
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